Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Right Way to Suffer

1 Peter 3:17 -
"For it is better, if God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong"

The Dilemma
'But, I was good!  I did what I was supposed to do. I have always done what I was supposed to do.  Why am I being punished for doing what is good?'

Have you ever found yourself asking this question? I can think back to times in my life where this question came to mind when I was facing consequences of which I felt were undeserved.  When you make every attempt to do things right, and still you face tribulation and hardship, it can seem unfair.

The Truth
The fact of the matter is, you may be a really good person, and still have bad things happen to you.   Suffering is an inevitable part of life on this earth. To Christians, Peter is saying that if God should so will you to suffer, it is best to go through the suffering for doing what is right.  The alternative would be to suffer as a consequence of your own sin. And Peter plainly states that there is no credit for patiently enduring ill-treatment that you brought on yourself. 

The Hope
The great thing about righteous suffering is that there is value found within; it is pleasing to God, and you are blessed for doing so.  Peter even states one chapter earlier, in chapter two, that you actually find favor with God for patiently enduring unjust suffering.

This coincides directly with the thought that is portrayed in Romans 8:28. All things truly do work together for good to them that love God.  Is it not a great feeling to know that even in the face of unjust suffering, you can still bring glory to God, and blessings upon yourself?  There is no better thing that the created man can do for his Creator

The End
So the next time you find yourself saying "Why me?", think about the opportunity you are being presented, and what you can accomplish.  Do not be shocked when bad things happen in your life. You must face that, even while living an obedient Christian life, you are still living in the world. But take comfort that there are blessings for those who suffer for righteousness sake.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent thoughts; always good to be reminded our suffering can glorify God when faced and handled in a godly way.
